Saturday, February 04, 2012

end of this month,Insya'Allah :)
in need of sexy thighs because i'm too skinny,kidding!

so how y'all doing?i got the inspiration from James Noah Mcguiness (@JayTheWanted) so yeap thanks to him!
was reading the mailer just now and he kept using y'all.trying to be in American
they've been touring around US of A and that explained everything.they also made a video on trying to speak in American and i learnt a bit of British slang language.they really nicked my heart,aww.
watched a video on them when they were in NYC and glad that they really have come this far and of course,i'm proud of them!alright,that's enough.

life has not been so good but yeap,i appreciate people who are around me especially mum and boyfriend.the only two who understand me a lot even though we fought at times.i was nearly to death the last week and i ran away.lately,boyfriend has been accompanying me by meeting me after our school hours which really helped me a lot about  forgetting my mini trauma i had.i really do have it till's serious matter that  i think i need to consult to someone but it's okay.i feel safe for now because boyfriend is around.whatever it is,even if we met for an hour,i did cherish and appreciate that moment.glad to have him by my side.i wouldn't want to ask for mum,no matter what happens i'll stick with her through thick and thin.
i love her more than anything else.if it happened again,i'll follow her wherever she goes.

i'm done with all tests except for one and that will be the last test before sitting for the exams in March.time flies so's like a month more before i sit for my exams and after 1 month of holiday,i'll be in year 2.le sigh.really need to pull up my gpa because i heard my final year is going to be more stressful.

that's all folks.sorry for not been updating.wanted to update last week but because of what had happened,i decided not to.i didnt want to and i think it would be better if i just let it all out to someone so i already did.
heh.have a nice weekends.oh yes,Alhamdulilah because i'm collecting my bursary later.need to sleep now.