Saturday, February 11, 2012

(a week late.supposed to be on the 5th Feb)

we're close to less than a month till this relationship grows another month older and it also means we'll be together for already five years.each time i gave up in this relationship,you would always be there fighting to keep it strong as before.i'm glad that we've made this far although we had a lot of fights in between.we shared too much of happiness too.those were the times that i'll cherish.just like this's been awhile i laughed that hard.thanks for the drink anyway :) not many would really know what we had in the past but they don't matter because i've got those who knew,they would be like 'i'll bet they'll never make it" but hey,look at us,we're still holding on and we're still together going strong.i'm seriously not good at words or to express it here.just so you know,i really love you and i hope we can make this relationship lasts.*Insya'Allah
thank you so much for every single thing,Khairul Mubin B Mohd Amin <3<3<3
yeap,the only guy whom i can act silly with because i just feel comfortable and he accepts my flaws.
i accept you for who you are even if you're a diabetic.counting down to the number of days you're going to leave me for 8 days :< i'll miss you and i'll promise i wont make the history repeats itself.
p. s i love you .