Sunday, February 19, 2012

this was last Saturday.was supposed to catch Star Wars Ep 1 3D but he woke up late and therefore,we were late so had to give a missed.decided to have Wendy's for lunch at Wheelock and roamed around the town.still craving for my cheese and cheese baked potato :<

last Monday,we had to put on formal clothes for PM1 and it was graded.felt professional for a day but some just had to complain that it was was only for a day,godness sake!

ahh my two favourites from two different boybands. 
Nathan and Louis.i just think they look alike.
people are going head over heels on Zayn,Harry,Liam....but not me!
hehehe :B
anyway,i've been watching their videos of The Code.i wish there'll be The Code here in Singapore soon too.
sigh.proud of them tho!i'm sure their hard work will be paid off.
they deserve a long holidays after this tour.

alright gotta go now.exams are just there.
will update more once i'm done with it.
wait,have you heard Glad You Came by Glee?head down to my fb profile :)
just too proud of these lads!ok see ya old folks!