Saturday, March 31, 2012

i know i had been blogging about him lately but i just could not get enough of him.i need to kidnap him!shall we run away from here?let's hope it will happen one day.six years of friendship and five years in this is not a matter of how long we have been together but the memories that we times,i ponder what if one day you were gone.i mean yes,everyone will go one day but what if it was too soon?lately,there were news about boys with sudden death.furthermore,you are a diabetic and also a cyclist.each time you told me about you were caught in an accident,you would make me go frantic.can you ever imagine if i found out that you were already gone?trust will take time for me to move on.the fights,laughters,tears,jokes,teases and the list will just go on.the future that you will always create makes me want to be with you till forever.(yes,i know "forever" does not exist)i mean i want to grow old with you.i shall stop thinking the negatives and pray for your health.lastly,just so you know i love you too just like the stars above.i know words are not enough but i hope throughout these days,i did show my love to you with all the littlest things and i will always continue showing my love to you :')

that was just some random were taken last weekend when we had a movie had been awhile we caught a movie.we were late for fifteen minutes.har har.thank you for the treat,Mubin.oh yes!even for today's dinner.

result was released yesterday and i was pleased with it.modules for second semester was harder but i did better than my first semester's modules.err may be because i was still encourages me to put a little bit of effort for my second year and i will get what i want.second year = final year.
i really want to continue studying after this and therefore,i am planning to go either Singapore/Ngee Ann Poly.Insya'Allah.with the help from my classmates and encouragements from boyfriend,i think i can do it.i still remember he was there for me after i collected my O'level results.i knew i made him disappointed but he told me to continue studying and choose wisely on what course that i want.(see,this is one of the reasons why i need him.)hmm,school is re-opening soon.i want to get over with my final year but yet i am not ready for it.oh god,help.
