Alhamdulilah,it's a such a nice weather to be on bed and rest.
but i decided not to even though i'm all drained out eyes won't just shut.
i really need to adjust my body clock.i'm not ready for school.i'm not ready to listen hours and hours of lectures.i'm not ready to ride the train during the peak hours.i'm just not ready for the old routine.ironically,i want to get this all over done as soon as possible which i have actually about less than 9 months.i could feel that this year's term breaks is the most boring ever because someone is busy with his projects and internship for his final year.well he still does make time for me whenever he can.
anyway,the past two days i'd been spending time with my lovely people.
we indulged nice foods and basically just laughed at anything that we could.i'm blessed to have them always.
pictures are on my instagram.i'm bad at editing hah!
so tonight or to be exact is after Maghrib(at dawn),my Muslim brothers and sisters celebrated a day called "Nisfu Syaaban".it's like a whole new brand of year for scares me when i read some tweets about this day.well excuse me,i'm sorry because i know i should have known this before but (insertwhateverreason).oh yup so the tweet that i came across was about Allah SWT will write the names of people who will leave this world during this year.i mean i know everyone will go one day but you'll never know if your name is on the list.i have been always wanting to be a better person/'s easy to get to Syurga(heaven) without forking out a single cents but humans have been always spending a lot which may lead them to Neraka(hell).
hopefully,Insya'Allah with an open heart i'll repent.
why did i sound so...............*krik krik* that is so not me.
hahaha but hey i really mean it!
okay may be i should stop here and get some sleep if i want to have breakfast later.
hopefully le derp is free to accompany me! goodnight xx

hey happy 63rd monthsary to us ;)
i love you always.....