hi July
that's fast huh.half of 2012 has gone.
those photos above were taken yesterday and earlier on.
blessed to spend time with my loved ones.
anyway,my term break is well spent i guess.i mean i really rested well enough for the past two weeks.
i'm left with a week and i don't really know what to do.hah most probally,i'll be reading from Wattpad and surf the net.i should maybe start revising all 3 modules and be ready for exams which will be in like about 10 weeks? hmm but i just feel like lazing around.will see how my mood goes.hmm Insya'Allah we'll be meeting the month of fasting,Ramadhan which is 20 more days.
till here then.i'm out of words.hehehe 
will try to keep updating my blog eh.no promises!!!
have a great week ahead,everyone! 